Values - Amstelcorp

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We believe that humanity has an obligation to take good care of its environment and that individuals and organizations, small or large, should therefore act responsibly. We strive to follow these principles in the way we operate and in the relationships we maintain.
It is our mission to be a professional, reliable, committed and trustworthy business partner. In providing our services, we understand that responsibility and accountability are of great importance, whether it is towards our clients, our business partners, our staff or the relevant authorities.
We believe that this requires the highest level of integrity and business ethics. Amstelcorp is committed to these values and we expect our business partners and our staff to share these views.
Amstelcorp’s internal Social Propriety procedures aim to manage and mitigate, as well as to actively create awareness on, potential social and environmental risks that may be associated with its business engagements. For this purpose we need to ensure that our clients act in line with UN sustainability goals. We assess our clients and their transactions for social propriety, including reviews of the ethical and sustainability policies of the client.
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