Compliance - Amstelcorp

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Compliance with laws, rules and regulations is the core of our business. In addition to the complexity of the relevant laws and regulations also political and public opinions are of increasing importance to the international business community. We are fully aware of this ever changing landscape and the delicate balance in performing our compliance role. We have highlighted some aspects of compliance below. 
Before we can provide any services, each prospective client must follow a strict client acceptance procedure. Based on various risk factors, we periodically review each client to ensure that we are able to continue to provide services.

We review all (intended) transactions of our clients whether these are cash or non-cash transactions and will not cooperate with any transactions that are not properly documented.
We must and will report any unusual transaction to the FIU (Fiscal Intelligence Unit). If such a report is filed , we are not allowed to inform anyone, including the client.

We are considered a gate keeper to help protect the integrity of the Dutch financial sector. We take this responsibily very seriously and therefore we maintain strict rules and procedures to minimize risks with respect to money laundring, terrorist financing, corruption, international sanctions, tax fraud and onethical behaviour.

Tax integrity of international companies has become a focal point in today's society. The OECD's BEPS framework action plan has led to the introduction various new regulations and the EU is following a clear anti-abuse strategy As part of our duties and responsibilites we closely monitor and guard the tax integrity of our clients.
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